Scientific cooperation and conventions

The University has signed a number of cooperative scientific agreements with a number of higher education institutions in Al-Suwadan and Turkey as follows:
1. Memorandum of cooperation between the University and the International University of Africa, Sudan – Khartoum
2. Agreement of scientific cooperation between the University and the University of the Holy Quran and Islamic Sciences, Sudan – Khartoum
3. Memorandum of Understanding between the University and Ahfad University for Girls, Sudan – Khartoum
4. Memorandum of Understanding between the University and Omdurman Islamic University, Sudan – Khartoum
5. Agreement of scientific cooperation between the University and Dar es Salaam Islamic Research College, Turkey
In addition, there is cooperation between the University and the World Organization for Books and Sunnah (the former International Organization for the Memorization of the Holy Quran) – The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia