Faculty of Holy Quran

Faculty of Holy Quran

Faculty of Holy Quran for Qira’at and its science was established  to raise the level of educational in the field of Islamic and Qur’anic studies to the university . and provide graduation from religious institutions, Koran schools and other opportunities for further rehabilitation and further study.

It aims at producing a pool of outstanding scholars with deep understanding of the Holy Quran, an excellent grasp of its sciences and who are well equipped with the religious and modern education. The syllabus consists of subjective study of Quran with special focus on important topics prevailing in the intellectual fields in the modern era as deep study of some Quranic chapters to enable the students to develop an analytical approach to follow its style so as to have a comprehensive understanding of the Quran.


The Faculty of Holy Quran for Qira’at and its science provide degree programs in the following areas:

  • Department of Qira’at and its science.
  • Department of Tafsiir.
Faculty of Holy Quran